Satellite Network owns a comprehensive satellite fleet and is amongst the market leaders in the world to provide highly flexible and economical VSAT services.Very Small Aperture Terminals commonly known as VSAT is used in satellite communication involving data, voice, video conferencing, etc. It is a two-way satellite ground platform.
Extensive Coverage
Satellite Network has extensive satellite coverage, extending from Asia to Americas to the Pacific. Our core business is to serve customers across the globe for broadband internet access, unified business network solutions and turn-key projects.
Satellite Network VSAT Services deliver dynamic, consistent, reserved and public network communication solutions. VSAT is a solitary, flexible communication network that can be installed swiftly and is also cost efficient. Supported by Satellite Network SLA, our iDirect-enabled VSAT satellite services offer assured quality of service with more than 98.2% annual network uptime. The advantages of VSAT technology have being recognized in numerous sectors and we offer uncompromised dedicated services to e-Commerce, Enterprise networks, ISP and Café ventures, Government and mission critical applications, distance learning, etc. Our clients across the globe have bestowed upon us the responsibility to raise economic, educational and health standards.
VSAT broadband Internet access
iDirect VSAT services provide an exclusive association of shared and dedicated bandwidth to support voice, data and video applications in business networks worldwide. Satellite Network provides excellent services with assured quality to take care of critical business requirements. Our service packages start at 512/64 kbit/s Rx and go up to 6/1 Mbit/s with customizable and Burst Information Rate (BIR) to Committed information rate (CIR) ratios and individual QoS setup per each remote.
In the year 2007, Satellite Network prolonged its iDirect VSAT networking coverage to others American countries including Argentina, Brazil and Chile. We provide iDirect virtual network operator and private VSAT network services, based on infinite and growth X3 platforms. In brief, our VSAT system is perfect fit for organizations of all sizes!
Dedicated backbone connectivity
Satellite Network VSAT is mainly designed for VoIP and Video Conferencing transporters, metropolitan, regional and international ISP businesses – terrestrial, Hot Spots and Wireless and Wide Area Networks. Dedicated backbone services maintain IP facilitated applications, comprising of wide FTP data transfer, secure voice and video, enhanced and coded VPN, CITRIX and others with assured QoS.