Oil & Gas

Satellite Network provides comprehensive series of satellite communication which holds key to the Oil & Gas industry, for their production and exploration sites. Our satellite services characterize VSAT network that supports voice over IP, broadband data and video communication using the combination of Star and Mesh topologies.

Oil and Gas industry depends on reliable communications for best procedures. Today the communication demand of Oil & Gas industry is at its peak. Satellite Network offers high-speed internet access, safe teleport services in Europe and United States. Our satellite solutions are planned to support data, voice over IP and HD video communications with high quality and round the clock service. We provide organized solution that comprises of designs, execution and full gamut of on-site maintenance and support services.

Satellite Network Services

Satellite Network provides secure O&G satellite communications – from point-to-point SCPC links to Mesh networks delivering single hop access between multiple remote sites and MPLS transport to headquarters. High-speed Internet access is provided via Satellite Network’s networks at secured teleport facilities in Europe and United States. Satellite Network’s satellite solutions are designed to support data and real-time voice and HD video communications with guaranteed quality on 24/7 basis. We deliver a managed solution that includes design, implementation and a full spectrum of on-site maintenance and support services.

In addition to the satellite connectivity, Satellite Network provides value-add services including WiFi networking, video conferencing and telepresence solutions, telemedicine, telephony, bandwidth management and optimization, licensing, satellite phones and BGAN terminals, UHF/VHF radios and miscellaneous IT services.

Satellite Network offers valuable add-on to your services such as WiFI networking, video conferencing and telemedicine, telephony, bandwidth management, radio, several IT services, satellite phones, licensing etc.

Developments in satellites, VSATs, antenna systems and BUCs are allowing Oil & Gas organization to fulfill their demand for greater bandwidth on offshore platforms and marines. To get the best connectivity, consistency, high-performance, separate data services, the communication network must support the following condition:

  • Must have several and proper backup of communication
  • Traffic variation per application with spontaneous preparation and importance
  • Continuous interoperability with Ethernet, MPLS and IP global strengths
  • Innovative acceleration with improved internet traffic


Satellite Network services for Oil & Gas industry are equipped with the obligatory characteristics to support above requirements. Thus satellite Network becomes an ideal choice of Oil & Gas industrial customer.